.htaccess Generator
Learn just what exactly an .htaccess generator is and just what it might do for your website.
An .htaccess file is a text file which contains directives which tell a web server how to act in particular occasions. It needs to be put in the folder where these directives should be carried out. Loads of script-driven applications employ such a file to operate efficiently - WordPress and Joomla™, in particular. You can use this type of a file with custom content too and do a wide range of things - block an IP address, an entire network or certain Internet sites from accessing your site, set personalized error pages that will be displayed instead of the server-generated ones in case a visitor encounters some error on the site, redirect a domain or a subdomain to a new web address, create a password-protected area and much more. With an .htaccess file, you'll have significantly better control over your online presence.
.htaccess Generator in Web Hosting
We have an intuitive .htaccess generator tool that will allow you to set up and use such files with no difficulty even if you have no previous experience and you do not know the syntax of the respective directives for this kind of a file. The tool is part of the Hepsia CP, which comes with our web hosting and any option inside it may be enabled by selecting acheckbox and eventually by entering a username or a URL, in accordance with what exactly you intend to do with the .htaccess file. You could also select where the file should be created, so you will not have to do anything by hand before or after that. Using an .htaccess file, you will also be able to pick the PHP version which will be active for a given domain, no matter if it isn't the same version as the one for the whole account.